Modern yeast production is increasingly influenced by the results of biotechnological research and developments.
To update your state of knowledge and skills, continuous education is a must. An excellent way of doing so is your participation at the annual VH Yeast Conference as well as at post-gradual training programmes offered by VH.
Such events cover all areas of yeast production: strain selection, raw material, yeast fermentation, down-stream processing, yeast drying, waste water and exhaust air treatment, production and quality control as well as analytics.
The skills of your staff to a large extent determine the quality of yeast. We offer the following skills and knowledge upgrades to your personnel to raise their qualification levels:
The VH Berlin hosts an annual Yeast Conference where the latest trends in (baker’s) yeast technology are presented. Besides the presentation of results from VH Berlin research projects and collaborations, we are proud to welcome well-known authorities in their fields of research from all over Europe every year.
Besides the VH-Yeast Conference, VH offers lectures and training courses for manufacturing- and lab personnel, tailor-made to your very needs.